Want to start making but don't know a resistor from a capacitor? Arduino and Raspberry Pi stump you? This collection of kits is beginner-friendly for all ages.
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166 products
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166 products
Make: CNC ePack - PDFs
$115.00$34.95 / -
Transistor Cat Kit
$14.95$12.95 / -
Marble Machine w/ Battery $30.00 /
Make: Electronics, 3rd Edition - Print
$34.99$29.99 / -
Make: Electronics, 3rd Edition - PDF
$29.99$22.49 / -
Make: Magazine, Volume 41 - PDF
$7.99$4.00 / -
Make: Magazine, Volume 43 - PDF
$7.99$4.00 / -
Make: Tinkering, 2nd Edition - Print $24.99 /