Make: Getting Started with Drones - PDF
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Perhaps the most misunderstood object in today’s airspace, the drone is an incredibly useful hobbyist’s tool that is as much fun to build as it is to fly. With an emphasis on safety and responsible use, Getting Started with Drones begins with the history of this tiny flyer and takes the reader step-by-step through the complete build of a personal drone using the popular Little Dipper airframe.
Learn How To:
- Build your own drone, from frame to camera mounting
- Install and explore telemetry and GPS systems
- Race safely and successfully
- Increase flight times
Meet the Authors
Terry Kilby
Terry Kilby has been a maker and creative technology enthusiast his entire life. He has been an audio engineer, electronic music producer, web developer and now, a mobile software engineer. However, the technology that has become his true passion is unmanned aerial systems. He designs, builds and flies his small drones for aerial photography as well as photogrammetry for mapping and 3D modeling.
Belinda Kilby
After earning degrees in art and education from Salisbury University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Belinda Kilby taught art for 10 years in the Baltimore City Public School System. After creating art through a variety of media throughout her career, it was a natural progression to contribute to her husband Terry's efforts in designing and building small, unmanned aerial vehicles for capturing unique photographic images. Her instructional writing informs and inspires, allowing Belinda to become a voice and advocate for responsible aerial UAV photography and its many beneficial applications for users.