Make: Como usar una Protoboard! -En Espanol - PDF
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PLEASE NOTE: This is the Spanish translation of one of our top selling Make: How to Use a Breadboard! Handbook. For the English version please click here.
This full-color, illustrated handbook uses comic book-style panels to explain the basics of using a breadboard; then it walks you through 10 fun and educational projects. You'll learn-by-doing as you study the circuit diagrams and colorful drawings, working your way through each project.
Learn how to build the following circuits:
- Dark Detector
- LED Flasher
- Electric Cricket
- Breathing LED
- Banshee Siren
- Light Theremin
- Blues Organ
- Bike Signal Light
- Touch Switch
- Led Color Organ
Meet the Authors
Sean Michael Ragan is a long-time contributor to Make: magazine and makezine.com, and his work has appeared in such publications as Popular Science, ReadyMade, Chemical & Engineering News, and The Wall Street Journal. He is also the author of the Popular Science book The Total Inventor's Manual (2017).
Jody Culkin is an artist and teacher. Her comic, "Arduino!" has been translated into 12 languages and her illustrations have appeared in Make magazine. She has received grants and awards from the National Science Foundation, the New York State Council on the arts and many other organizations. She is currently a Professor at CUNY's Borough of Manhattan Community College in the Media Arts and Technology Department. She has a BA from Harvard University in Visual Studies and an MPS from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program. Jody enjoys showing projects at the annual New York City World Maker Faire.