heART Surface Mount - Learn to Solder Skill Badge
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Learn to solder surface mount components with this beating LED heART badge.
- 5 x 0805 Red LEDs
- 1 x 0805 Capacitor
- 1 x SOIC ATtiny85.
- 1 x heart PCB
- 1 x SMD switch.
- 1 x CR2032 SMD battery clip (battery not included)
- Intermediate level
- Check out video link below for build instructions
Learn to Solder Skill Badge Kits have been used to teach thousands of people of all ages how to solder at Maker Faires across the country. It's a simple, fun way to learn how to solder or teach others to solder. Once complete, you'll have a great blinky thing that you can proudly wear and when people ask where you got it, you get to reply "I made it!"
Note: Requires basic soldering tools and diagonal cutters