
Make: Make It Glow - Print

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Everyone loves to play with light and this collection of kid-ready LED projects will have young Makers exploring electricity and electronics while opening up a world of endless fun! Makers, tinkerers, hobbyists, and parents will be drawn to the decorative and exciting possibilities of the projects in Make It Glow.

Filled with full-color photographs and step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow, this beautiful book features 21 exciting projects that can be completed by even the youngest Maker.

You'll start with ultra simple projects and then tackle increasingly complicated ones. Building upon lessons learned in earlier projects ensures that kids learn and succeed. Everyone will be thrilled by the fun, decorative designs that result as you develop new ways to unleash your creativity!

Projects Included

• Blue-light greeting cards

Eyes in the dark


Light-up fairy wings

An illuminated tote bag

A bouquet of electric roses

and more! 

Meet the Author

  1. Emily Coker

    Emily Coker is a maker professional who is passionate about empowering herself and others through hands on learning and making. When not creating projects for the masses, she can be spotted tinkering around in her shop futzing with electronics, robotics and the latest in tech and craft. She is an avid comic and graphic novel enthusiast who enjoys drawing. Emily is also a contributing author for Make: magazine and

  2. Kelli Townley

    Kelli Townley is a lifelong creator and tinkerer. When she was a little girl, she built circuits with her dad, sewed fingerless gloves with a 1930s singer sewing machine from a thrift store, and disassembled electronics (like that VCR that kept eating tapes). As an adult, she's worked in video games, VFX/animation, education, and most recently, virtual reality. In her spare time, she's constantly doing hands-on projects like upholstery, cosplay, woodworking, and quilting. Kelli is passionate about encouraging makers of all ages and skill levels, and hosts frequent making get togethers with her friends and colleagues.