Oxocard Air Cartridge
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The AIR cartridge contains three sensors from the well-known manufacturer SENSIRION. The SGP41 is a MOx-based gas sensor that can measure volatile carbon compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The SCD40 is a photoacoustic sensor that can reliably measure CO2 levels in the range of 400-2000ppm. The SHT40 is a calibrated temperature and humidity sensor. This cartridge outshines many room sensors in terms of quality, while also scoring points for programmability with added flexibility.
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Make: Oxocard Connect Innovator Kit
- AIR cartridge, fully assembled and flashed with driver and demo programs. The card contains very high-quality room sensors from the Swiss company Sensirion.
- Powerful sensor with professional sensors
- Recognizes volatile carbon compounds, nitrogen oxides (fire/smoke)
- Smallest CO2 sensor on the market
- Plug in and get started straight away: driver and demo code on the card
- Incl. complete source code for your own projects
Meet the next generation of small experimental computers...
The Oxocard Connect easily helps you get into different areas of electronics and try out new things quickly thanks to it‘s universal cartridge slot, which allows for different expansion cartridges (coming soon) be brought to life by simply plugging them in. Use cartridges to immediately experiment with light and audio, or sensor applications, such as measuring distance and testing your air quality, or making strange and beautiful music with a pocket sized synth! Gone are the days when you had to buy a breakout board and then find out how to connect the cards to the controller.
No more searching for install drivers or sample code, that‘s all a thing of the past!
All the necessary software is installed automatically and the easy to follow documentation is included. As soon as a cartridge is inserted, the Oxocard CONNECT recognizes the card, loads the drivers and automatically starts a demo program. Nothing needs to be installed or configured! The new 16-pin connector
can also be plugged in on both sides. Errors when plugging in are all but impossible!
Browse through the extensive software libraries featuring a user friendly interface, all at the touch of your fingertips!
Each Oxocard gives you access to NanoPy.io, one of the most powerful and simple online development environments currently available on the market. This has a similar structure to the frequently used Python programming language and is easy to learn and program. The main difference is that NanoPy is optimized for microcontrollers. It therefore offers a high execution speed and guarantees a high level of stability during operation.
Make: has proudly partnered with Oxocard to bring this exclusive special edition of the Connect Innovator Kit and more to North America and the Maker Community worldwide. Join us and together we can Make a better future! For resale, retail and other inquires in North Amercia, contact help@makershed.com.