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Make: Gear

Grab some gear for yourself or as a gift for the Maker in your life!

Learn more about Maker Faire. See highlight videos, browse upcoming Faire schedules, get tickets, and find out why it's called The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth

Make: Author Spotlight - Charles Platt

Make: Author Spotlight - Charles Platt

New Release - Make: Electronics, 3rd Edition! Learn electronics from the master himself, Charles Platt, computer programmer, journalist, science fiction writer, and the author of our best-selling books series, Make: Electronics. He began writing for Make: magazine in 2005, where he is a regular columnist and contributing editor in addition to being a famed book author. 

Maker Faire Wear

Maker Faire Wear

Ready to showcase your Maker spirit? Explore our collection today and find the perfect addition to your wardrobe. Make more, wear your creations with pride!