Want to start making but don't know a resistor from a capacitor? Arduino and Raspberry Pi stump you? This collection of kits is beginner-friendly for all ages.
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166 products
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166 products
Sugar Skull LED Medallion Kit
$14.95$9.95 / -
Shake It Mini $4.00 /
Nitelight Lantern Kit
$16.95$14.95 / -
Sensor Starter Pack
$39.95$24.95 / -
Scrappy Circuits
$24.95$19.95 / -
iFixit Essential Electronics Toolkit $29.99 /
Soldering Iron - 40W $15.00 /
Make: 21st Century Robot - PDF $14.99 /
Blinker Bird - Learn to Solder Kit
$16.95$15.95 / -
Make: eTape Robot Dispenser
$12.00$6.50 / -
Ultimate eDrum Kit OCHO
$69.95$65.00 / -
iFixit Mahi Precision Bit Set $39.99 /