Want to start making but don't know a resistor from a capacitor? Arduino and Raspberry Pi stump you? This collection of kits is beginner-friendly for all ages.
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166 products
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166 products
Make: Geek Girl's Guide to Geek Women - Print
$12.99$9.99 / -
Drum Kit Kit $30.00 /
Maker Faire Powerbase Medallion
$6.95$4.95 / -
Make: Magazine, Volume 45 - Print
$9.99$5.00 / -
Make: More Tinkering - Print
$24.99$14.99 / -
Adafruit Trinket M0 $10.00 /
DNA Playground From $540.00 /
Maker Faire Fliposcope
$35.95$30.00 / -
Makey Klaus LED Ornament
$8.95$6.95 / -
ELECFREAKS Pico:ed V2 Board
$25.00$18.00 /