
Make: Like the Pioneers - Print

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You may have mastered Arduino and 3D printing, but what will you make when the power goes out? This book, featuring projects drawn from previous issues of Make: and Craft:, features projects you can build with little or no technology. Whether it's making your own cider or starting a fire with a bow drill, the projects in this book will let you keep Making even when you're away from civilization. Whether you're on a camping trip or fortifying the last human settlement against hordes of zombies, you'll find something in this book that will keep you happy, engaged, and most important of all . . . alive!


Projects Included

  • Make your own bacon soap
  • Light a matchless fire
  • Cider-making 101
  • Make your own paper and bind your own book
  • Create a 'fool's stool,' a Rok-Bak chair, and learn to lash
  • Pickle grapes and beets
  • Brine and roast a turkey
  • Make a Da Vinci Reciprocating Machine
  • Craft your own oil lamp like cave dwellers of yore!