Makerworx, LLC
The Intentional Makerspace: Operations - Print
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The Intentional Makerspace: Operations
One of the goals at Maker Works is to encourage the growth of makerspaces, whatever the size, audience, or organization (e.g., non-profit, for-profit, L3C, etc.). Since 2014 they’ve offered week-long Makerspace Operations Bootcamps to share the tools and techniques they use for a safe and efficient makerspace.
Maker Shed is extremely happy to be carrying their new book, The Intentional Makerspace: Operations, which is based on their bootcamp content and then expands on it.
Content includes using SOP recipes (Standard Operating Procedures), organizing using 5S*, the Business Perspective Chart, mission, vision, values, culture, systems (many, many systems), bottom lines, instruction and learning, giving great service, safety, and more.
Authors Tom Root and Dale Grover own and operate Maker Works, a 14,000 sq ft makerspace in Ann Arbor Michigan. Their week-long Makerspace Operations Bootcamp covers SOPs and many other systems for smooth and safe operation.
More information on the bootcamp here
Product Details:
- Paperback : 205 pages
- Product Dimensions : 7 x 0.47 x 10 inches
*5S is a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seisō, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Roughly translated to "Sort", "Set In order", "Shine", "Standardize" and "Sustain"